Thursday, July 10, 2014

Breaking News! Week of July 6-12!

     Welcome to Breaking News! a feature I normally update on Sunday showcasing the Pokemon news for the week before. However I am immediately breaking this rule because compared to this news, unless 3 new Megas come out the day after this goes up, nothing can top this stuff.
     CoroCoro has officially leaked a new Mega Evolution for the upcoming games Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. One people have wanted, and I know I've wanted for a long time. Mega-Metagross will be obtainable for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Look at that magnificent beauty. This is exactly what Metagross needed after steel got nerfed in Gen 6 making ghost and dark type moves neutral to steel instead of resistant. This Mega will definatly get Metagross his throne back. Not only is Mega-Metagross available in game, but Steven Stone will be using him when you face him for the championship. That's right Steven Stone, not Wallace, is the champion in both games. Since Coro-Coro already leaked a picture of someone (probably Steven) using a Mega-Charizard X the announcement that he will be using Mega-Metagross leaves me wondering if Steven may be the first NPC to have multiple Pokemon he/she has Mega-Evolved, or if the Charizard in question is being used by you to face him, then if so how do the X and Y exclusive Megas translate to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? This only leaves us to ponder what Wallace's fate shall be...maybe he's back to being the Sootopolis City Gym Leader again?
I got something wrong in this post? Leave your evidence in the comments section and I'll update the post with a shout-out to you.

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